Mardon Mo'minov

Fullstack developer focused on creating Websites and
Web applications. I really like different projects that
solve real problems.

About me

I'm Mardon, I'm 20 years old and I live in Uzbekistan, Tashkent. Fullstack developer, I'm passionate about interfaces, from their creation to development. I like to learn more and more about the area, challenges that take me out of
my comfort zone are the best.

Sofware Developer & computer science graduate with a passion at Najot ta'lim.
strong react & Typescript skills. Always eager to adapt and take on new challenges!


NestJS NodeJS Javascript Typescript C language HTML CSS CSS3 Express Python Lisp Vim Docker Github MySQL PostgreSQL MongoDB Databse Vim Docker Github Socket.IO NuxtJS Element Plus VueJS NuxtJS FastifyJS Laravel Git Firebase Jest Gitlab VSCode Ubuntu Kali Linux Windows Bootstrap npm JWT Regex GraphQL PIP ES6+ yarn ViteJS Sass Material UI Axios Nodemon Terminal Brackets Reasearching Handlebars EJS PUG PWA Sublime Text Stack Overflow Vercel Vuetify Vim CSS3 Element Plus


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